Thursday, October 1, 2015

Transcripts of various deeds

(Handwritten Deed – yellowed paper which is beginning to fall apart)

(5 shillings in St. Lucia stamps)

8th May 1893

Deed of Exchange between S. Barnard & V.S. Gouldsbury Administrator of the Government

 Of certain portions of land in the Quarter of Castries.   1st Office Copy delivered to Mr S. Barnard 10/5/93

Know all men by these presents that before the undersigned Peter Joseph Kinnier-Ferguson, Notary Royal in and for the Island of Saint Lucia, residing in Castries.

Personally appeared Samuel Barnard, of Castries, merchant and landed proprietor, of the one part,
And his Honner (sic) Valerius Skipton Gouldsbury, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Administrator of the Government of the Island of Saint Lucia, acting on behalf of the said Government, of the other part
Who have made the following exchange:-

The said Samuel Barnard has ceded and conveyed, and does hereby cede and convey, with legal warranty, unto the Government of Saint Lucia, accepting by the said Valerius Skipton Gouldsbury, Administrator of the Goverment as aforesaid. A portion of land containing one rood and  thirty four perches, situate in the Quarter of Castries in this Island, and lying and being between the Darling Road and the Rosiere Estate and bounded as follows, that is to say, North and West by the said Darling Road East by the said Rosiere Estate and the Botanical Garden lands, and South by the said Botanical Garden lands – the said portion of land being coloured blue and marked B in the Diagram by Henry Reeve, Director of Surveys hereinafter referred to.

And in counter exchange the said Valerius Skipton Gouldsbury, acting on behalf of the said Government of Saint Lucia, has ceded and conveyed and does hereby cede and convey, with legal warranty unto the said Samuel Barnard, accepting for himself, his heirs, successors and assigns, A portion of land containing one rood and fourteen perches situate in the said quarter of Castries at the Junction of the said Darling Road and the High Road from Castries to Gros Islet and bounded as follows, that is to say, North by Madame Alexandre St. Martin, South and East by the said Darling Road and the High Road to Gros Islet and West by the Sans Souci Estate – the said portion of land being coloured pink and marked A in the Diagram by  Henry Reeve, Director of Surveys hereinafter referred to,

As the said respective portions of land are and extend and with the rights, members and appurtenances thereto belonging, according to a Plan or Diagram by Henry Reeve, Director of Surveys, dated the fourteenth April one thousand eight hundred and ninety one in the possession of the parties hereto.
To have hold and enjoy the said portions of land hereinbefore Described and hereby deeded and conveyed by way of Exchange, with all their rights, members and appurtenances unto the said Government of Saint Lucia and Samuel Barnard, as property to them lawfully appertaining and belonging respectively.

The portion of land hereby ceded and conveyed by the said Samuel Barnard to the said Government, forms part of the Sans Souci Estate, purchased by the said Samuel Barnard at a Judicial Sale before the Royal Court of this Island on the eleventh day of February One thousand eight hundred and eighty one.
And the portion of land hereby ceded and conveyed by the said Valerius Skipton Gouldsbury on behalf of the said Government to the said Samuel Barnard is Government property.
And in consideration of the foregoing exchange, it is hereby further agreed between the parties hereto, that the boundary line between the Sans Souci Estate, belonging to the said Samuel Barnard, and the lands called the Reclamation, belonging to the Government, shall be as indicated and described in the hereinbefore mentioned Plan or Diagram by Henry Reeve, Director of Surveys of the fourteenth April one thousand eight hundred and ninety one, that is to say, that all the land coloured pink and marked C in the said Plan or Diagram, and lying between the Darling Road and the Rubble Embankment shall be deemed and taken as the property of the said Samuel Barnard;  Provided that the Government shall have a right of access to a strip of land of twelve feet in width within the boundary line of the said Samuel Barnard and along the Rubble Embankment, the said strip of land also indicated in the aforesaid Plan or Diagram, for the purpose of effecting any repairs or improvements, which the Government may consider necessary to be made to the said Embankment and Provided also that the said Samuel Barnard shall not build on any part of the said strip of land, to which the right of access is reserved by the Government as aforesaid.
Done and passed at Castries Island of Saint Lucia on record at the office of the undersigned Peter Joseph Kinnier Ferguson, Notary Royal No. 14 Bridge Street, the eighth day of May, One thousand eight hundred and ninety three and these presents having been read to the parties have been signed by them and by the Notary.

Signed on the Original:  Samuel Barnard.  V. Skipton Gouldsbury, PIK Ferguson, Notary Royal
Compared with the Original and certified to be a true copy thereof
PIK Ferguson, Notary Royal (Notary Seal)

 Saint Lucia Office of Deeds and Mortgages   Recorded eleventh day of May 1893   Vol 49 No. 19133 @ 10 a.m.

Bill of Sale  No. 79
Official Number 40598   Name of Ship Aid     No. Date and Port or Registry One of 1891 Castries, St. Lucia.

British Build Steam – Screw Built at Bristol 1870
One Deck                                            Head None
One Mast                                            Framework Iron
Sloop Rigged
Stern Round
Build Curved
Galleries None
Length 55 feet  Mainbreadth to outside of Plank    12.3 feet
                                 Depth in Hold from Tonnage Deck to Ceiling at Midships 6.6 feet

Engine  One   Speed of ship Fifteen
No. of Tons                                    26.14
Deductions as per Contra           12.50    Space Required for Propelling Power No. of tons    12.50
Registered Tonnage                     13.64

We The Saint Lucia Steam Conveyance Company (Limited) by Henry Leburieux Balmar of the Town of Castries in the Island of Saint Lucia, Managing Director, in consideration of the Sum of Twenty one pounds ten shillings, paid to us by The Honourable Samuel Barnard, Walter Herbert Barnard and Frank Barnard of the town and Island aforesaid, Merchants, the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, transfer Sixty four shares in the Ship above particularly described, and in her boats, gun=, ammunition, small arms and appurtenances, to the said Honourable Samuel Barnard. Walter Herbert Barnard and Frank Barnard.   Further, We the said Saint Lucia Steam Conveyance Company (Limited) for ourselves and our heirs covenant with the said Samuel Barnard, Walter Herbert Barnard and Frank Barnard and their assigns that we have power to transfer in manner aforesaid the premises herein-before expressed to be transferred and that the same are free from encumbrances.

In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names and affixed our seal this seventeenth day of March One thousand eight hundred and ninety four by and through the hands of Henry Leburieux Balmar, Managing Director as aforesaid.   Executed by the above name Saint Lucia Steam Conveyance Company Limited in the present of D. G. Glencote, Registrar of the Port of Castries St. Lucia.   

(Signed) H Leburieux Balmar, Manager, St. Lucia Steam Conveyance Co. (Ltd.)
There was a one penny stamp of the St. Lucia Steam Conveyance Company Limited, c. 1872, (second printing)
This company carried mail by sea from Castries to the coastal villages of St. Lucia. Stamps were issued from around 1871 to 1872  when the company went out of business. A possibly provisional stamp is illustrated in the book by Hurt and Williams which was followed by the issue of several values depicting a steamship in an oval frame. There are a number of different printings of the stamps which may be distinguished by paper and gum variations.