Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Politics, the government debt bailout

I just arrived home to find that my next door neighbors had a McCain, Palin sign posted on their front hillside. I was rather shocked !! It's the first one I've seen although there is an Obama sign just down the street. Actually I had not completely decided who I was going to vote for until McCain chose Palin. I am getting bad vibes from her, rather like I have been getting from President Bush so now have come down decisively on the side of Obama. It is unfortunate that the process of choosing a presidential candidate is decided the way it is. I don't think I would have chosen either candidate.

Of the two, Obama is a much more interesting speaker in my opinion. I've found McCain's speeches somewhat lacking on the whole and he is inclined to be repetitive. Obama has a great voice and knows how to project his personality to inspire people. Of course we all know they can rarely follow through on their campaign promises, maybe that's why they both seem to be avoiding policy speeches and concentrating on 'picking' on each other. With all the major problems facing this country their behavior is unbelievable.

Unfortunately President Bush has really divided this country. Even though I am a person who tries to be open minded I find it hard to feel any connection with anyone who admires him. I have a friend who is barely on speaking terms with her sister, since the sister still likes Bush and approves of his policies, whereas my friend is appalled and upset. She has said several times that she can't believe someone raised in her family can't see him for what he is !! When he was reelected 4 years ago it was unbelievable to me. How could someone I could see so clearly was a ghastly mistake get reelected ?! Even the word 'bush' gives me a bit of a start nowadays. That's another unfortunate thing, the way words get corrupted. The word 'gay' is a case in point. (I have a cousin in England called Gaye).

It appears that the government is doing a great job of destroying this country, particularly in the last 8 years. However, I don't mean just the present administration, since each seems to manage to make missteps, including Clinton with the Glass Seagal act. Of course it is easy to look back and see things in hindsight. Now we appear to be nationalizing debt while the fraudsters get away with millions.

I was reading that the wealthy are the ones who cause most of the earth's pollution, and I am not surprised. My handyman said he has seen numerous examples of the wealthy, who when they put their houses up for sale redo everything to appeal to a buyer. After the house sells, he is often referred by the previous owner and everything is torn out and redone.

Seems to me we would be better off without political parties - and instead each appointed lawmaker should be elected for their ability to represent the average Joe and Jane instead of the present situation where they seem mainly to represent wealthy businessmen.

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